An inspiration has been brewing in my heart for the past several days now. It all began one windy day in February...(just kidding). I have thinking about writing, and how I know that poems and insights are inside of me, somewhere. I haven't been inspired to write for some time now. How can I connect, to my inner voice, the quiet sound, that inspires my spirit, and nurtures me on my path to self discovery? I have read that nature is here to teach us wisdom. It is here to guide us, and provide a landscape in which we are always cultivating, toiling, fertilizing, digging, getting our hands dirty. This soil inside of us provides us with a garden to plant and water the seeds of our choosing. When we begin to settle our minds, not necessarily emptying our mind, we begin to hear a quiet voice, that brings us closer to the truth. What truth? The truth that there is divinity all around us and in us, and even more, a deep sea of bliss that reigns supreme to all other experience, that is inside of us, like a constant tide that ebbs and flows with the stream of our attention. So getting back to my subject of "41 days", I plan on writing every day for 41 days. 40 days is usually the number associated with spiritual quests. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. Unfortunately, having 3 kids, 2 dogs, a full time job, yoga commitments, and a house to clean, I am unable to escape to the desert. I'm in no way saying I could handle escaping to the desert for 40 days to meditate on Gods word. Contrary, I believe I would die a miserable death. But, I can attempt to practice yoga and write about yoga for 41 days, in the comforts of my home. I figured I'd burn a path, instead of following. 41 is my age. 41 is a good number. It's one more than 40. A great number to be begin. "We begin here", is the first yoga sutra. This sutra means just what it says. We begin here. We take each day as it comes, we live for now, not anxiously in the future, or sadly looking back on the past. How different our lives would be, if we looked at each person we talked to with fresh, new eyes. No judgements, no condemnations, no envy, no self doubt. How would our lives and relationships be, if we came from a place of inspiration, rather than memory? So, here I go. While I was completing this entry, my son Elijah, told me he cannot walk on his foot. He injured it playing football outside.
Life is always handing us surprises, challenges, disappointments, joys. It is up to us how we respond. Let's begin now.