a sleepless night with poor Samuel who, awoke at 1:30 am, and me, unable to sleep for to many reasons to list, came to bed with me for the night. I gladly greeted him by holding his body close to mine. I was grateful for the company, and his skin was so sweet smelling after his bath. He got comfortable, and then touched my face, and rubbed his hand along it, like I do to him. Then we drifted off. 30 minutes later I awoke to a gurgle, and then splat! Vomitus erectus right in the kisser. Another sleepless night went on and on, and my heart went out to my baby. So here I am, finally through the rough stuff, 5 loads of super hot laundered bed clothes to sort, cleaning out bookshelves, body tired, emotionally fragile, but somehow unable to sleep. So I clean, organize. I stumble upon a poem I wrote, and I'll share it with you, it is about my beloved dog Otto, who died over a year ago, by wandering off from a friends woods at night. He was 15.
Oh Otto
sleeping soundly in the woods
eyes are closed
fur is matted
heart is close to the ground
spirit is with the animal spirits
Thank you for your life
You gave to us so freely
you knew what to do that night.
You crept away so I wouldn't know,
silently found a quiet place to rest.
Your head began to whirl with the night air as your eyes
jumped with visions of boys, hide and seek, swimming and jumping for sticks.
Your heart beating fast, my face comes to you then the bright white light
sweeps you up in all its comfort and warmth.
How bitter sweet is this posting. Experiences of snuggling and taking care of Sammy; and celebrating the life of Otto while mourning his death and absence as well. Love the poem, Cathy. I miss you, Sammy, Otto and everyone else too.