I know I am not alone when I say that today when I got home from work, I wanted to crawl under the covers and dream my life away. My SI joint has been sending me messages for about a week now, and I have been hearing them loud and clear. I also feel somewhat stuck in my work, working with Alzheimer's patients, trying to provide meaningful and purposeful treatment is a challenge given their extreme impairments. And Matt (my husband) left again for another week away, leaving all the chores and responsibilities of a busy home to me. Poor old me. Can someone pass me some Kleenex PLEASE! My family used to say to me "are you having a pity party, Cathy?" So guess what? I did just that... turned on a show for Samuel, crawled under my covers, and closed my eyes for around 30 minutes. When the 2 older ones arrived home I sluggishly and feeling cold to the bone starting doing all my chores. I then made some tea, and after did some sun salutations! Hello SUN! my body warm, my heart centered, looking out at the beautiful trees lit up by the winter sky brought me right back to the beauty of the moment. With Lego's underfoot, Wii in the background, I committed myself to a practice. Tuning into my breath, I felt all the tension in my back. Exhaling, the muscles loosened their grip, as my head began to inch closer, and closer to the earth. Feeling my heart open to this releasing I looked around me, and in the midst of all the clutter (the clutter of my mind) I caught a glimpse of bliss. The peace that can only come from the inside. Like a flame that does not surrender to the wind, there was a stillness, a respite, a cupping from God, he was holding me in this silence. "thank you" I whispered. The flame slowly flickered, wavered, and CRASH! Here comes Sammy!
1. Sun Salutations with Crescent Moon lunge (2 times)
2. Dog Pose -2-3 minutes
3. Constructive rest with a Maggie sand bag on my chest
4. Pelvic clock exercises to train the deep muscles in the pelvic floor
5. Leg lifts with one leg bent and one leg at a time (10 or so)
6. Constructive rest with a Sammy sandbag and hot breaths blown on our necks
7. Dog pose- 2-3 minutes
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