Monday, January 4, 2010


Today was such a treat! I didn't have to work, and I was so thankful for the quiet morning at home after traveling to catch up etc. After sending a big mailer about yoga activities and such, I reconnected with some friends, and settled in for a rigorous yogasana session. I felt the need for standing postures, as my hip has been tight, and virabhadrasana and trikonasana would be welcome friends to visit to discuss my body imbalances!
1. Suptapadangusthasana 1, 2, 3(Big toe pose)
2. Supta Konasana, supta baddha konasana (reclined wide angle, reclined cobbler
3. Dog 2-3 minutes
4. Balasanana (childs pose)
5. Dog walk forward to extended forward bend
6. Uttanasana (2 minutes)
7. Tadasanana (mountain)
8. Vrksasana (tree)
9. Trikonasana (triangle)
10 Vira 2 (warrior 2)
11. Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle)
12. Uttanasana
13. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon)
14. Parvottanasana (Intense side stretch)
15. Dog-Plank-Dog X 5 breath holds in each
16. Ardha Navasana - 5 times with -3 breaths each
17. Plank with push-ups (5)
18. Dandasana (staff)
18 Suhkasana forward bend (easy seated)
19. Savasana

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