I am beginning to realize more and more every day what a HUGE commitment I have made to myself by writing this blog. Not only am I disciplining myself to make time to practice, I am journaling too, sometimes about very real and personal subjects near to my heart. I felt ready to drop by 7pm tonight, and kept thinking of ways I could get out of blogging, and practicing yoga. I'll even admit it would be easy to just write a sequence down that I have taught or done before and you would be none the wiser. I couldn't do that though, that would be breaking the yama (moral observations) of satya, translated as truthfulness/honesty from the Sanskrit language. So I thought, what do I really need? Meditation
I lit a candle (green for my heart chakra :), and straightened my back and watched my mind. I like to imagine that our minds are like an ocean: vast and wide. Breathing in, I calm my body, exhaling, I know this is a wonderful moment. I began chanting "OM" and in seconds my dog Maggie was on me. She had this strange look in her eyes "what the hell sound is she making?" I calmed her down, and after chanting OM again for awhile I finally felt my mind begin to calm, and I felt peace. My mind expanded, and I realized I have peace whenever I make time for it in my life. I am so glad I have made this commitment to myself, as it is helping me discovery my true path. The path of yoga.
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