a bug came and bit me, right in the stomach! I had a terrible stomach bug, and tonight, for the first time in 2 days, I am feeling my strength return. My thoughts as I was sick turned to those suffering in Haiti, how many must be so sick and injured, and have no food, water, or warm soft bed to rest in. Since my boys missed some much needed tub time, I scrubbed them (literally scrubbed) although I used a "poof" and not a hard bristle brush. Jonah had the most accumulated dirt of the three. I had to scrub him for a solid 10 minutes with multiple doses of soap to get all the dirt off. I told him he must be a Huckleberry Finn protege of maybe even Tom Sawyer. He then asked me if that was a chapter book and did it have pictures and what kind of adventures did they go on, and did they get really dirty? His eyes were so bright and inquisitive. I have often tried to imagine my life with girls. I am Boys Mom. I don't comb hair but once a week. I don't mess with barrette's and braids. I have a fair share of drama and it usually involves fighting or name calling. I feel so blessed today to have these wonderful creatures that are my children. I am anxious to get back to my yoga practice now that I am not heaving every 30 minutes. I am feeling inspired....
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