This morning, my mother in law asked me to show her some stretching. So I took her through what I call my "morning routine". She has taken yoga before, but there were a few poses she has never experienced before. It was fun sharing with her the simple stretching and breathing routine. At the end, I put her in "supta baddha konasana" with props, blankets and heavenly.
1. full body stretch with ankle rolls
2. single knee to chest- right and then left
3. double knee to chest
4. big toe pose 1, 2, 3
5. eye of needle
6. cat/cow with breath awareness
7. dog pose
8. childs pose
9. dog-plank-dog-walk forward to standing forward bend
10. mountain
11. mountain with side bend (palm)
12 gomukhasana arms (cowface arms)
13. garudasana arms (eagle)
14. savasana
I went on after #13 and did triangle, warrior, extended side angle, and ardha chandrasana (3 breaths) I am trying to build my hp up! I inserted wide legged forward bend between poses.
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