Thursday, January 14, 2010

Body Language

I had the most beautiful thing happen today. I had several things I had planned to do with my afternoon, when it all didn't go as planned. Sammy ended up napping (not his usual) and it is a gorgeous day out- did you hear the birds singing? The boys played outside most of the afternoon, and I practiced yoga in my sunroom. My body was a callin' for some yogaaaaaa loving! Sun is shining, I felt like a warrior discovering her body, all my aches and little pains being worked out, all with the guidance of millions upons millions of cells firing from the tips of my toes and on up to my fingertips. This is the best I can remember, and not as much detail!
1. Dog pose-3 minutes moving dynamically and coming high up on toes, bending kness, firming shoulder blades on my back
2. walk forward to standing forward bend
3. handstand prep
4. extended standing forward bend with block
5. dog pose
6. supine hamstring stretch
7. supta baddha konasana (reclined cobblers pose)
8. Tadasana (mountain)
9. Urdhva Hastasana
10 Urdhva Hastasana with side bend
11. Urdhva Hastasana with arms over head (handstand prep)
12. Vira 2 (warrior 2) vini yoga style (ask me in class)
13. Vira 1 (warrior 1) vivi yoga breathing
14 . mountain
15. Rev. triangle with blocks
16. wide legged standing forward bend
17. dog
18. locust
19. half frog
20. bow
21. dog 2 minutes
22. handstand against wall
23. side bending stretches
24 simple seated twist
25. savasana with breath awareness/meditation of receiving light from God

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