Wednesday, January 6, 2010

a slow practice for fast times

Today's practice involved 3 poses. As I taught a private yoga lesson with my dear friend and student "S", we took time to just breathe and feel our body relaxing into the props below us. This is a "fast" time in my life, as I am raising 3 boys, work 20 hours a week, and have a husband who travels a lot. It seems the response from most people when you do get a chance to talk with them is "Man am I busy!" or "Life is just CRAZY!" Well, have I got a practice for you my friends. A restorative practice is considered an advanced practice. As we place our body in a supported restful position we must lie quiet with our breath and observe our mind. Many people find a restorative practice difficult, as they are not able to shut down the mind that is in high gear most of the time. If you are feeling stressed, and want to sneak in a little yoga, I highly recommend even just one of these poses. My goal is to post some pictures and get the blog more updated with more links as I go along this journey.

1. Supta baddha Konasana (reclined bound angle pose) 20 minutes with centering breath
2. Vipariti Karani cycle (Legs up the wall cycle) 15 minutes with natural nose breathing
3. Reclined twist with bolster (5 minutes each side)
4. Savasana (corpse pose) 7-15 minutes

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