Today was a difficult day at work. As I ponder my purpose here on earth I still have to be present to the life I am currently leading. I feel content with my purpose of being a Mom. I am fine with being a wife to a great guy (You just go on "Matt the Barbarian" with your bad self!). I continue to grapple with my current job providing therapy to Alzheimer's patients. As I watch their slow descent, it strikes a blow to my heart. As much as I do, their brain continues to deteriorate, melting white matter into a black lagoon of lost memories and bizarre behaviors. Sometimes funny, sometimes heart warming, often horrifying, I witness the slow and transforming death of a person's spirit. Even though I am helping them for that moment in time, I am not affecting the overall outcome, or helping to transform the worlds consciousness by what I am doing. As this is a complex issue, I will stop here, and tell you how I practiced yoga today. I had 15 minutes of "free" time today (between getting off work and 2 basketball practices I had to shuttle kids back and forth to). I practiced meditation lying down. First I just followed my thoughts, then I imagined I was looking at clouds (this was my favorite part!), then I chanted a mantra (in my mind), and then I just breathed with awareness. I got up, put on some jeans, shook my booty, and got on with my beautiful, ever-evolving life.
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