What is it, that soothes your soul, and refreshes your spirit/body? Can you, through the process of self awareness, observing, and then action create a new "you"? Sometimes we drive ourselves into stress and impatient states all by ourselves. I am realizing more and more that WE choose how to feel, we choose how to behave in this world full of love, light, darkness, and fear. That is really all there is. Darkness and light. Love and fear. How we choose to perceive our life and those around us is a constantly evolving state, if we truly want to be on the path of love and light. I have noticed that one of my habitual responses to stress is to clench my jaw. I have taken to the mantra "relax your jaw". I repeat this in my mind, on a daily basis. The result? A more relaxed jaw! Hallelujah! Notice that I did not say "Stop clenching your jaw you idiot!". I use positive language to make a positive change. I also have changed my morning routine. I have felt in the past that I should practice yogasana in the morning before work. I usually end up feeling short on time, as my work day begins at 7 am. So I started reading something spiritual/inspiring in nature, then mediating for 5-15 minutes after. It has changed my past week tremendously! I also realized the best time for me to practice asana is in the afternoon, and this works much better for my schedule and my kids schedule too. It is amazing what we humans are capable of! A leaf tremors in the breeze, a bird swoops by with a worm in his mouth ( I imagined that part!) God speaks to us in the shores of the great silence, within.