9:15. That is when I set foot from my haven of sheets and pillow mattress that supports this body of mine. Pumped up by the sunshine, the feeling of inspiration and productivity on my hands, I set foot on my front porch and took in the sound of birds and wind chimes, sunlight filtering in through the leafed out trees. I brought my body into a challenging sequence of standing twists and arm balances. Ending with an attempt at revolved crane pose (an arm balance where you prop your legs on your arms and balance on your hands), I didn't quite make lift off, but allowed my body to feel it, experience the power of facing the unknown. The unknown of if my face would crash into the concrete deck of the porch. Facing the unknown of how I will handle a 40 hour work week. Facing the unknown of a new job in the next 2 weeks. As I breathed in the crisp air, I heard the chimes singing to me, their rhythm also unknown, but only carried by the whim of the wind, and what comes out is unplanned, natural, and beats to the ever changing face of Mother Nature.
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