Why do I love yoga? Let me count the ways! It keeps me in check, with the universe and all the creatures in it. Yoga holds my heart close to my soul, the God voice within. Yoga keeps my body active, supple, flexible, and strong. I can bend my arms backwards while working, cross them in front of me while riding in an elevator (eagle arms), I can do triangle while someone is using the bathroom, and I can quietly notice that each moment, is filled with wonder and exploration. If I choose to be present, and harness my mind back into what is unfolding before me, I can live life more fully. Although my life is filled to the brim with working, private lessons, motherhood, sports, cleaning, the wonder of boys, meditation, reading, dogs, parents, friends....I can enjoy each moment better, more fully, with the recognition and acceptance of sadness, joy, boredom, monotony, challenge, and triumph.
"This is true yoga: the unbinding
of the bonds of sorrow.
Practice this true yoga with a determination
and with a courageous heart."
-Bhagavad Gita
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