How long does it take children to go to sleep at night? In my house, at least tonight one hour past when I tucked them in. Giving "snuggle time" is the last part of the night, and I give each one a little sugar and softness before I go downstairs. Eli and I often talk, maybe just holding hands, or touching shoulders. It is a small thing, but I hope to impress on them their importance to me, and I cherish this time, when they are little, as I know it will fly by, and soon I'll looking back on their pictures saying "remember when!" I set some yoga goals, that I thought I would share with you.
1. Headstand-5 minutes, working with a partner in the future once I can do it for 5 minutes against a wall, to do it in the middle of the room.
2. Shoulderstand- 5 minutes with a wall or without one
3. Crane pose- 5 breaths This is the arm balance where knees are propped on triceps and arms are supporting all of the weight.
4. Gomukhasana arms with hands touching (I better practice this one every day!
5. Do asana 3 times a week for one hour in the morning at 5am. 2 times on other days. Currently I have been practicing 3 days a week at least.
I give myself 6 months to reach these goals
6. Cook more. Okay this isn't a yoga goal, but it does bring me some joy, even though many times I am so busy I can't even stand the thought of cooking. But Eli said to me the other night when I had fixed a meal and we were sitting down, "Mom, it has been a long time since we all have had a meal together." Boom, right to the heart. So, Even with Matt gone, I need to sit down with the kids and have a family supper.
Tonight, after I tucked the kids in, I walked to my mat and sat down, and told my body to do what it needed to do. This is how I practice many times, and I am always amazed at what comes out. I tell my jaw to relax, my shoulders to release, I bring my mind, repeatedly back to the present moment. What else do we have, except the present? As I continue to move through my yoga journey, I remind myself of this, keeping a strong commitment to be self aware, act with gratitude and compassion to myself and others, and I also pray to our wonderful and all loving God, to guide me and keep me healthy, and to help me be a good yoga teacher, and to be a good Mom, and mostly, to bring Matt home, with a fire under his butt for something new, so that he can be home!!!
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