As I got out of bed today, knowing how full my day would be, I reminded myself to remain present while going about my business. Our new dog Kaiser, is taking up much of my already pinched time. Walking the dogs this morning around 6:30, I looked at the sun coming up. The moon was half full (not half empty), and the clouds cast a sheen over the red sky. The crunch of hardened ice and grit echoed with the birds as they awoke from their nests. Pat pat pat the feet of the dogs, my big bear Kaiser, and sweet girl Maggie go on the pavement. The houses were sleepy, silent, dark, with a few lights beginning to show through the windows of the houses. Emerging thoughts, slow to begin, then rapid as they take off, overtake my consciousness at times. Reeling back into the present moment, I am taken in again with Kaisers perky ears, his magnificent walk, Maggie's swervy body, her nose reaching into the morning air for a waft of who knows what. Red sky teach me to go within, help me to touch what gets under my skin, so that I may grow and learn from it, know myself and expand, like the red sky in morning, at 6 :30 am.
Sun Salutations
extended time in dog
warrior 2 flow to extended side angle
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