This morning, as I awoke to a quiet and sleepy house, I sat up in bed and noticed the sunrise coming through my windows (notice picture above...this is the view out my window). Matt was snoring in bed, eyes closed tight, lead limbed, peaceful. I saw the sun, red and expanding across the sky, shining through the pillar trees casting shadows in the morning mist. Red sky in the morning...sailors take warning. Hmmm is a storm coming? I followed this thought and sank back into bed, being grateful for our bed, and the wonderful party we had last night. So many awesome friends, such good food, and a reason to celebrate...Matt turning 40. I eventually got to my mat this afternoon, in the gray sky the leaves rustled, the birds chirped beauty songs, and Maggie lay by my mat as I began my practice. I thought sun salutations would be great, but as soon as I got into the forward bend, I sank into myself, and allowed my knees to soften under the weight of my trunk, felt and watched as my breath carried itself into my back, my abdomen, my neck. Following the gradual journey of breath I relaxed my jaw, shook out my neck, and turned inward to my spirit. Mostly quiet here today. Feeling tired, but satisfied, I stayed here and just breathed. I knew I was to tired to practice sun salutations, so I stretched my legs in dog. Feeling even more tired, I laid on my back and was astonished at the sky. Dark gray clouds mixed with light, deep and long they rolled in. My feet reaching up into the sky, I gazed over them into the abyss of clouds, breathing, watching, dreaming.
What a lovely view from your window!!!
ReplyDeleteOh how I miss looking out at trees, its nothing but stone houses around us. Very nice post, fun to follow the calm thoughtful passage of your day. Can relate to contemplating the light and the day a head as your lead limbed, snoring husband lies peaceful at your side. Love those moments, they last usually only about 2 min before our youngest announces that she is AWAKE!! And the chaos of the day begins with a crash. Miss doing yoga, would like to make time to do it and your blog certainly is helping make that push! Have been escaping for evening walks by the sea for peace of mind and to stretch the ole legs a bit.
Hope your having a good end to the week!