Yoga today was quite wonderful. I felt extra introspective, and honestly felt somewhat down. I knew I needed my time on the mat. Looking out into the trees I was taken into my spirit. Raising my arms with the rhythm of my breath, God whispered to me to continually ask my heart about the purpose that I am serving. Looking within my heart, I observed my thoughts, walked through my consciousness (sometimes a scary place), and felt a quiet I have not experienced in a while. This is why I love yoga. As silence enveloped me, I could see my path more clearly. As my body stretched, I searched for ease as I worked hard at developing my form. This is why I love yoga. It teaches me to work hard, while taking care not to force. It teaches me to wait, and observe. It teaches me receptivity, and ultimately, the path of acceptance. Acceptance of my yoga practice, my body. Acceptance of my life situation, and my relationships too. If I can bring to life, what I bring to the yoga mat, then hopefully, I will be serving my purpose to God, and to the world.
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