Monday, April 4, 2011

Balancing act

This weekend I verbalized to Matt how frustrated I feel when I don't have time to practice yoga or meditate. Matt's reply was, "well, instead of doing one thing, you have to do yoga instead. Working full time takes up so much of my time, and then all 3 kids of course take up much of the time too. On Saturday, I only practiced for 30-40 minutes, but I worked on headstand, and upper body strength/core. Sunday, as I was balancing so many streams of thought, I finally just rolled out my mat and spent almost 2 glorious hours doing asana. Kids were involved, conversations happened, pictures were taken. I worked intensely for about 30 minutes on "crane" a challenging arm balance which I am trying to figure out. The arm balance is possible only when you reach a perfect balance point, and your feet miraculously lift off the floor. Meanwhile, your core and upper arms are supporting you fully, and a magical feeling comes as you realize it is mostly about focus, concentration, feeling the space of the balancing point. I was amazed to realize that it was such a small space to work in, and challenging too! After, I then practiced a "Yin Yoga" sequence that focused on slow, long holds. It was just what I needed. The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and all was well with the world. I don't know why I was so stressed out. I have to remind myself to breathe, and be present. I have to remind myself to smile, when I become irritated. I have to be real with what is possible in one day!

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