Sunday, December 27, 2009

Setting my intention- pilot tomorrow 5:30 am

I practiced some yoga this early evening, 4:30 to 5:30 to be exact, as my aching back wouldn't allow me to go another step without resting on my mat for a few moments to decide where my body would take me. It is always amazing to me that I can think of some yoga postures that I think I may need, but then when I place my head on the mat for guidance, it takes me in another direction. I woke up with an achy low back, and had a full day with plans of organizing the endless crammed cupboards and "junk drawers" that I own, I think I have at least 8 junk about you? As I was filing some papers for the kids, I snuck in a childs pose with head on the floor, and just breathed into my low back, into my spine, as I felt my forehead touch the floor, I followed my thoughts (this time I'll spare you the details) brought my breath and awareness back to my spine, and felt the muscles begin to let go. Breathe in I smile, exhale I relax my body. Maybe if I repeat this mantra, I'll relax a bit more! Anyway, as I was easing into my practice, I was lulled into a lot of upper body strengthening and squats, which soothe the back muscles. I was able to do a "crow" or bakasana for one second, which iactually is a goal of mine to be able to be in this pose for at least 3 breaths without falling on my face!

The practice:
Down dog-(adho mukha svanasana) to childs pose 3-5 minutes
walk feet to hands- 1-2 minutes (hand stand prep)
to bakasana "crow"
cobra- bhujangasana)
half frog (ardha bhekasana)
pigeon with strap around back foot and pull extended leg towards buttocks, while resisting with that foot.
dog pose
cobblers-baddha konasana
easy seated pose- sukhasana
shoulder stand sharvangasana
knees to floor pose
half reclined hero pose (ardha supta virasana
staff pose (dandasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
With a glint in my eye, I hopped up, feeling much improved, and chased my lids around the kitchen, made soup, continued to clean, and inside, I was smiling.

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