Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

"Om Shanti shanti shanti" I said to the moon, full and bright against the indigo sky filled with stars. Holding my 3 year old Samuel's hand in the windy cold, for one or two moments, I felt the beauty of the sky, the cold, the little body that is Samuel, whose spirit is as bright as the moon is brilliant. I am excited to take this yoga journey, not only because I feel a calling from my soul, it will be interesting to see if I can progress with the many poses I would like to experience, even if only for 2 or 3 breaths. As our breath enters into our bodies, with awareness, perception, and compassion, it is there that our perception, our minds eye, touches our hearts, where true discovery begins to take shape. It is in that space, that bright burning light that is in our heart, our true essence, the creative force- GOD- that lives inside each and every one of us. I will attempt to see the "God " in everyone, take compassion on myself when I'm down, and practice asana to train my body so that it can be a proper vehicle for my spiritual path, to keep me strong when tossing my kids around, and to hopefully grow old gracefully, as long as I don't get hit by a bus!

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