Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2, 2010

Ok, first let me tell you, I love the fact that I have made this committment to myself. I practiced asana, for 25 or so minutes tonight at around 9 pm. I felt the familiar pull of my body saying I didn't have to practice, especially being on vacation at my sisters house in Roswell, Ga. There was also many distractions. Kids fighting over the about 4000 lego pieces they rec'd for Christmas presents, Samuel asking me to chase him for the 50th time today, farting dogs, and men in tight pants (Ha Ha :)). Regardless of all that, I was able to squeeze in a small, but lovely routine, that brought warmth to my back body, and helped to keep the fire going in my heart, the fire of LOVE I have for yoga.

1. Uttanasana (standing for. bend)
2. Uttanasana with a twist
3. Uttanasana with elbows bent- 2 minutes
4. Dog -2 minutes
5. Vira 2-Warrior 2
6. Triangle
7. Warrior 2
8. Extended side angle pose
(I did poses 5-8 flow style first to right, then to the left)
9. Easy sated pose with a twist to the right and left
10 staff pose
11. staff pose with a twist
12. head to knee pose (with a sammy sand bag on my back for the left leg straight)
13. legs up the wall pose with 3 leg variations for savasana.

I must say this will be a challenge, to not only practice, but write about it as well, but what comes from challenges? Hopefully a stronger mind, a stronger body, and more open and flexible heart.

With Love

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